Sunday, January 24, 2010

2 weeks down, 14 to go...

Last week I looked at my calender for the next 15 weeks and laughed! I had only two Saturday evenings and three Sundays open on my calender... not a single other free day. Now, a week later, I booked the two Saturdays and have tentative events on the Sundays. I honestly can't imagine how my life can get any crazier!
Rehearsals start for my new show this week, so there go my nice evening study sessions for the next 6 weeks... not like I was getting much studying in anyways.
In other news I am singing the senior solo at my school's graduation.... (Eeek I'm so intimidated for it!) ...and was just asked to record some songs for a friend's project. Hmmm maybe this whole music-degree thing is starting to be worth it?!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Its a new year!

I love that we've just begun a new decade! Its amazing to look back at the last ten years, and see how far I've come. I can only hope I will grow just as much in the next ten years.
Goals for this year? Well, they aren't so different than some of last year's goals.... build connections, perform as much as possible, stretch myself in new ways, add to my resume....
I think my two big goals are (1.) Graduate college (2.) Find a full time job that I love.

I already have so many new projects; two shows, two teaching jobs, and 18 units of classes. It makes me wonder: What will I learn and discover in the 17 weeks before I'm a college graduate? Let's do this, 2010!!