Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yes, that just happened.

I have a reoccurring nightmare that includes one of the following: I forget to arrive for a show, I'm hours late for a rehearsal, I go onstage and don't know a single line of the play I'm performing.... etc. But never has any of this happened before.
Until today.
I'm sitting here in sweatpants, half listening to the Olympic races, half working on an essay that is due in Ethics class tomorrow. I get a text message. I reach over to my phone and open the message. Its from the stage manager of my show that opens in two weeks. Her text was short: "Are you coming to rehearsal tonight?"
This is the part of the story when I start to hyperventilate as I frantically click through my email, trying to find the latest rehearsal schedule. Hidden under 6 other call times for this evening's rehearsal was a call for me to be at the last hour of rehearsal. OH MY GOODNESS.
Now, I'm hopeful that this story will have a happy ending. My stage manager didn't seem too upset when we realized I was 50+ miles away from even making it to the last 30 minutes of rehearsal. My heart beat has started to resume its normal patter, and I'm even attempting regular breathing as I type this post. Tomorrow is a new rehearsal with no mistakes in it, if I can quote from Anne of Green Gables.
And the moral of the story?? ALWAYS check the rehearsal schedule over and over. and over.